Lavender Organic EO

Organic Lavender is truly the number one favorite because its aroma calls out a calming and strengthening waves the senses and Chakras need and love.
The Aroma: can be romantic and alluring especially blended with other botanicals like rose and germanium or enlivening mixed with all citrus and mint essential oils.
Lavender organic essential is a great fortifying ingredient to the medicinal smelling blend with Lemongrass and Rosemary but enhances the blends aroma, making it a wonderful bacterial treatment and purifying conditioner for Acne and Blemished skin types.
Physical Properties: astringent and antiseptic, cleansing and purifying, anti-bacterial, strengthening and balancing
Mind Body Spirit properties - calming, romantic, refreshing, and rejuvenating
We get our Essential Oils from the finest free trade and sustainable organic farms across the globe. Our Lavender comes from France, where the finest lavender grows. It is used in France in Perfumes, Soaps and Potpourri. In the Provence of de' Provence it is used as a tradition herb for meats and delicacies.
For the skin it is one of the number one Botanicals used to clear and beauty skin.
Essential Oil Blending for Face and Body
For anti-aging: Amrit Organic Safflower/ Palma Rosa, Lavender, and Geranium
For sensitivity: Amrit Organic Jojoba and Safflower/ Lavender, Ylang Ylang & Geranium
For stress: Amrit organic Signature Blend / Lavender, patchouli and geranium