October is Breast Cancer Awaeness Month

Breast Cancer Awarness Meditation in Spa Services Organic Health Spa News

For every women it's vital to become aware of the sign of disease, especially her fragile feminine organs.

The Global Spa Wellness Association and during it's annual Summit brings Trends to the forefront to Spa and Wellness Therapists. Global Wellness Trends for 2021 bring this very fact of feminine health, to our attention globally, with the important of Safe and Healthy Medicine for All Women including Fertility, Birthing, Cancer, and Diseases from Endometriosis to Menopause and Aging. 

The Key is awareness and spreading the conversations to educate all women of all color, creeds and countries, that its our right of health.  

As professional and leaders, we can create campaigns around awareness and become a community resource for education and information. We can do this by including this into our New Spa Wellness Programs, because during this New Era of the Viral Disease Covid 19, our turning priority is health over everything else.

Our stresses externally and internally are speeding and out of control and the one thing we need to do is pick up where the rest of the world is struggling.

Some Quick Resources:

Global Spa Wellness Association

CDC: Breast Cancer Awareness Information 

The International Federation of Aromatherapists

The World federation of Hydrotherapy

The International Spa Association

There are many amazing International Association and these are a great start. broaden your wellness and health knowledge and be leader in growing more Whole Health.

The Red Cherry Group is bringing Whole health Products to Our Industry and now it is the most important action we all need to take  today.

If you want more information, resources or information on how to bring more wellness into you practice email us at contact@rawskincareshop.com



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