Spa Wellness Awareness: What Unspoken Therapies Clients are Truly Seeking

Unspoken needs are really spoken during a Spa Service. When the right questions are asked Clients will reach out in their own behalf for relief in ways we have never come across til now.

We are all in the same world, same circumstances and same stresses since Covad 19 arrived on our shores. With deep losses in families, friends and associates, jobs, education and violence and mental trauma up like never before. These stresses are causing as I write, out bursts in grocery lines, road rage and levels of paranoia.

Spa Trends for years has revolved in a circle of wellness based on surveys. For the first time we do not need a survey to see what is needed and fulfilling those needs today are more crucial then ever.  Spa Professional can learn and start see the clues to identifying the clients deeper needs by adding the best possible products that truly aid and impact the strengthening of the Mind and Soul of every client during sessions of mixed modalities.

Where to begin. First, we must grasp the knowledge of the present and going into the future with what we can offer as a spa professional.

Here are the Global Wellness Trends reported for Services in 2021 

Services and lifestyles that: 

  • deeply soothing nerves and lightening sadness
  • building strength through deeper internal meditation
  • clarification of the mind to aid in eliminating sleep deprivation
  • detoxification of internal body system blocks that cause weakness
  • cleansing visible and internal effects of stress and illness

Second is we can open the silence of unspoken words by asking the right questions and listen, and only then can we recommend therapies and modalities and products that truly fit the need.

No longer is "I'm stressed", gets  the go to deep massage with lavender, rather its knowing how much mental and physical energies are compromised during the beginning of any spa session.

Here are some opening helpful questions to ask and adding information to your clients medical consult form.

  • What has it been like for you, this past year ? Anguish, Despair, Challenges
  • Was your family in crisis or loss > Try to measure grief.
  • How is your work schedule now going forward? Financial Stress
  • How are you coping? Self Care
  • Have you had any support? Family Dynamics
  • How well are you sleeping? Tolerant Energy Level
  • How Whole are you feeling, right now.? This opens everything.

When listening, look for the subtle answers. We are not mental therapists, but, our goal with correct modality and product purpose makes each spa session therapy a comfort to clarity the mind and lighten the soul, the more you know and offer with success takes spa from an average any corner treatment to the true meaning of Spa Therapy.

Thirdly, we need  Modern Global Body Treatment Products to compliment our modalities, that help aid these needs and can take your spa culture and services into the newest wellness directives of Modern Botanical Therapy and International Aromatherapy and brings the needed whole health therapy into your offerings.

Amrit Organic has taken this seriously by creating the Modern Body Therapy Collections. Each are specific to what clients are feeling and each have benefits and results to aid clients in the journey beck to strength and endurance for both the Mind and Soul, making a healthier and happier individual.

Amrit Organic's Modern Therapies all over Benefits and Results for the 6 Types of Modern Conditions of life today:

Sleep and Energy Quality is the true energy.  To be able to quiet the mind for a deep sleep refreshes internal and external energies. To stimulate the body's system function pushing out internal toxins and signal systems activity with a kick start, allows for internal actions to work more efficiently. This is one of the most critical lacking practice in life styles today.

Improve Flow, the body's energy accelerator. which which is so important to mind clarification and internal nerve strengthening. if body systems are clogged disease and depression in may levels begin and perpetuate poor health and mental challenges or even addiction.

Release Fatigue, a mental strengthener. For those over load times or for those that are feeling exhausted always. These formulas take the system down to peace and deep flushing to energizer the internal electricity and begin the healing processes. Energy is the result from a meditative approach and a gentle awakening.

Detox Clarification, healthy longevity. This is  the most important daily routine . Through healthy treatment and home care including a live food diet gives our minds the nutrition and intelligence and our bodies longevity. Body massage therapy and treatments of wraps with products that bring nutrition and movement are the first step to pain relief and maintenance. The benefits out weight more the. the system clarification.

Pain Control triggers vitality, out of pain and all to gain. Even minor pain is a sign of a continual health risk. But it can be holistically controlled with preventative pain relieving herbs and oils unless there are deeper health issues. These formulas address arthritis, sports strains, muscle cramps and pain from tension. They can be wonderful therapeutic wraps and massage the are first preventative and an awakening to a healthier life style. 

Earthly Body and Mind, induces harmony. a joyful leap in spirit, a calmness in body muscles, sensual journey to heal within and the awakening of health. Modern Rituals directly connect with the needs of whole wellness of the mind attitude, body language and health. 

Learn about Amrit Organic's 6 types of wellness delivery treatments for stronger health and internal balance to meet the immediate needs of our new living stresses.

This is just the beginning of changes in the way we do our spa services, offer the client and grow our clients mind about alternative self and spa care. After all one can not do without the other.

Embrace your Clients with more care then they will ever expect and the response is ever lasting.


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